• Rating recognizes commitment to sustainability across different categories
  • Commitment rated across Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Sustainable Procurement and Ethics
  • Exide Technologies recognized among the top 5% of all companies, assessed by EcoVadis over the past 12 months.

Exide Technologies (www.exidegroup.com) a leading provider of innovative and sustainable battery storage solutions for automotive and industrial applications is proud to announce that the group has been awarded the EcoVadis GOLD rating for 2025, recognizing its commitment to exemplary sustainability standards.

Exide Technologies’ commitment to Sustainability 
With 135 years of experience, Exide Technologies has been at the forefront of developing and marketing innovative battery solutions globally. Its wide range of lead-acid and lithium-ion solutions serves various applications, including 12V batteries for combustion and electric vehicles, traction batteries for material handling and robotics, stationary batteries for uninterruptible power systems, telecommunications, front and behind-the-meter energy storage, and propulsion batteries for submarines.

Exide Technologies’ sustainability strategy revolves around environmental, social, and governance pillars. The company sets measurable targets, conducts a double materiality analysis, and aligns goals with global standards for a profound circular economy and a sustainable product lifecycle management. In 2024, Exide Technologies published its first ESG report, illuminating the fundamental aspects of the company’s approach and outlining future plans. The report is accessible on the company website (Sustainability | Exide (exidegroup.com)

Looking Forward
“Receiving the Gold rating from EcoVadis, the world’s largest and most trusted provider of corporate sustainability ratings, underscores Exide Technologies‘ dedication to maintaining high standards as a business partner,” says Stefan Stübing, CEO & President of Exide Technologies. “This recognition motivates us to further advance our initiatives in sustainability. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to everyone who contributed to this achievement.”

For more information, please visit: Sustainability | Exide

About EcoVadis:
EcoVadis is a globally recognized platform that assesses corporate sustainability performance. The EcoVadis rating provides a comprehensive evaluation of a company’s sustainability practices across four key areas: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. By leveraging the EcoVadis rating, companies can effectively manage, measure, and improve their sustainability performance, ensuring they meet the growing expectations of stakeholders and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Über Exide Technologies

Exide Technologies (www.exidegroup.com) is a leading provider of innovative and sustainable battery storage solutions for automotive and industrial applications. With 135 years of experience, Exide has developed and globally marketed innovative batteries and systems, contributing to the energy transition, and driving a cleaner future. Exide’s comprehensive range of lead-acid and lithium-ion solutions serves various applications, including 12V batteries for combustion and electric vehicles, traction batteries for material handling and robotics, stationary batteries for uninterruptible power supply, telecommunication, utility front- and behind-the-meter energy storage and propulsion batteries for submarines and more. Exide Technologies‘ culture and strategy are centered around recycling, sustainability, and environmental responsibility, reflecting our commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen.

The company has 11 manufacturing and 3 recycling facilities across Europe, ensuring resilience and a low CO2 footprint with a local supply chain. Exide Technologies is committed to superior engineering and manufacturing. With a team of 5,000 employees, we provide €1.6bn of energy storage solutions and services to customers worldwide, every year.

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/exidegroup

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Exide Technologies
Im Thiergarten
63654 Büdingen
Telefon: +49 (6042) 81-0
Telefax: +49 (6042) 81-538

Jutta Steins
PR & Communications Specialist
Telefon: +49604281595
E-Mail: jutta.steins@exidegroup.com
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