As a leading supplier of test systems for the automotive industry, Konrad Technologies has developed a new hardware and software architecture for battery management test systems. With the Konrad BMS test system, vehicle manufacturers and suppliers are able to test and validate their BMS systems with a fast test sequence in a much shorter time. At the same time, the Konrad BMS Tester ensures maximum adaptability of the system to allow for future changes to the connected ECUs and test systems.

In the interview, Mr. Wontaek Lee / Hyundai AutoEver reports on the joint project:

1. Konrad: "Good afternoon Mr Lee, thank you for taking the time to talk to us today. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what is the key issue you are focusing on at Hyundai-AutoEver?"

Lee: "I am responsible for developing the validation system and validating the ECU logic. My scope of work previously included the validation of the ADAS Chassis Domain Control ECU. Currently, I’m in charge of the validation of the Battery Management System and project management".

2. Konrad: "What trends & challenges do you currently see in battery management validation?"

Lee: "ECU software updates are becoming more frequent, which puts a lot of pressure on the validation teams to update and deploy test software in a very short time. In parallel, we see a shift towards software defined vehicle testing, which requires more virtual testing and a compatible test system with a software that can do last-mile hardware validation".

3. Konrad: "What is your view on a user centric interface for battery management systems and must-have features in test automation?"

Lee: "To address the growing trend of software-defined vehicle testing, we plan to leverage the new software to connect virtual testing with hardware testing. For test automation, Hyundai-AutoEver has developed a comprehensive software called xStudio, which includes all the necessary functions for test automation".

4. Konrad: "Why are the automation features important to you?"

Lee: "The most important goal is to reduce the overall costs. Automation helps reduce human error and keeps the system running longer".

5. Konrad: "What was the primary motivation behind adopting the Konrad BMS HIL solution?"

Lee: "Our decision to transition to the Konrad BMS HIL solution was driven by the need for a more reliable and efficient validation system. We required a solution that could meet our tight project timelines without frequent disruptions or delays in addressing technical challenges."

6. Konrad: "How has the Konrad solution affected your workflow and how do you see the future?"

Lee: "With the Konrad BMS test system, we have streamlined our workflow by eliminating a previously required step in the test run and deployment process. This innovation has resulted in a remarkable 50% reduction in test time, significantly enhancing our efficiency and enabling us to meet demanding schedules for the ECU validation.

Looking ahead, we are excited about the potential of collaborating further with Konrad and Techways, Konrad’s Korean partner, to push the boundaries of testing innovation. Our vision includes integrating Software Defined Vehicle testing seamlessly with test automation and leveraging the full capabilities of xStudio and Konrad BMS software within a unified toolchain. This partnership will not only simplify our ECU validation process, but also set new benchmarks for testing efficiency and reliability.

Thank you for the opportunity to share our experience today. It’s been a pleasure to discuss how Konrad’s solutions, along with the collaboration of Techways, are shaping the future of our workflows. We’re eager to see what exciting developments lie ahead!"

Mr. Nicolai Konrad
Managing Director
Konrad China

Mr. Wontaek Lee
Senior Research Engineer / PM
Test Engineering Team
Hyundai AutoEver

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Telefon: +49 (7732) 98150
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Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 7732 98150
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