The German specialist in industrial computed tomography and non-destructive testing, Microvista, announces the European expansion of its innovative mobile CT system, ScanExpress. The system is already successfully in use by a French automotive supplier.

The ScanExpress represents a significant advancement in industrial inspection technology by enabling high-precision CT analyses directly on-site—eliminating the usual logistical challenges and transportation risks.

"With ScanExpress, we bring the CT lab to the customer, not the other way around," explains Microvista’s Managing Director, Prof. Dr. Lutz Hagner. "This flexibility is especially valuable for companies where transporting components to an external testing laboratory would disrupt production processes or compromise sensitive parts."

The mobile CT inspection system has been specifically designed for easy transportation and rapid deployment. It offers the same precision and performance as stationary CT systems but can be installed and operational at the production site within a very short time.

Efficient inspection with customised evaluation

The ScanExpress impresses with its highly efficient mode of operation: The system enables fast scans and, thanks to the integrated evaluation unit, offers the option of analysing CT data directly on the container. The evaluation software can be quickly customised from existing modules to meet the specific requirements of the respective customer. A particular advantage is the expandability of the software, which can be expanded at any time to include further component inspections by the customer – a decisive factor for companies with growing or changing inspection requirements. 

The internationalization of ScanExpress comes at a time when European manufacturers are increasingly looking for efficient quality assurance solutions. Customers in the automotive, aerospace, and electronics sectors, in particular, benefit from the ability to integrate CT testing flexibly into their production processes.

Microvista plans to initially offer the system in its core markets—Germany, France, and Italy—before expanding availability to additional European countries.

Further information on ScanExpress can be found here:

Über die Microvista GmbH

Microvista has established itself as a leading service provider for excellence in industrial computed tomography. The company combines technological expertise with practical service to offer customers tailor-made solutions for complex inspection tasks. With ScanExpress, Microvista expands its portfolio with an innovative mobile solution that enables industrial CT testing directly on-site.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Microvista GmbH
Am Mönchenfelde 12
38889 Blankenburg (Harz)
Telefon: 03944 95050

Caroline Meisenburg Silva
Telefon: +49 (3944) 950-0
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