Constant movement in the cryptocurrency market, which is developing at breakneck speed, arouses the desire of everyone interested in crypto to enter this business as well. But how does #KryptoMinerHosting work and what do I have to consider here?

For which mining devices (hardware) #hosting makes sense and whether the whole thing could also be something for you, you will find out in the following lines.

What is crypto miner hosting?

Crypto miner hosting simply explained:

Hosting is a service that we offer our customers to operate the #KryptoMiner in a dedicated facility – #MiningFarm or #MiningContainer. The customer does not have to be on site, but can have his miners set up and operated at a location of his choice.

Purchase of the crypto miner hardware

The devices can be purchased conveniently and securely from Smart IT Alliance GmbH (#smartitalliance #smartit), so there is certainty that the devices will actually arrive at their destination. All crypto miners are shipped insured at full value – saving here can be a pain. The #ASICMiner is installed and set up by qualified personnel.

Third-Party Crypto Miner Hosting | Third Party Miner Hosting

Can I host my own miners or do I have to buy new equipment for this?

We are also happy to accept third-party devices. The process is very simple: you book the required #electricity capacity (#electricity #slot) and send your miners to our main plant. These are checked by our qualified staff and the current status is documented. Only intact devices can be included in third-party hosting. Damaged devices can be repaired when the warranty expires or, in the event of a warranty claim, will be sent for manufacturer repair. The shipping costs are always to be borne by the customer, even in the case of a guarantee. We will then send them to the desired hosting location. Once there, your miners are connected – according to your power slot (different locations, different connection times, etc.) – and hosting begins.

We not only accept pure Bitcoin miners, but also Ethereum, Dogecoin/Litecoin, Kadena and many other miners in our hosting. Unfortunately, #GPUMiningRigs can only be accepted in individual cases, as they usually require much more intensive maintenance and employees.

Where do my earnings go?

The miners are set to your wallet address(es), so that when you start using them, you receive the income directly. In principle, we do not manage any funds or coins of our customers.

Benefits of Crypto Miner Hosting

First of all, you don’t have to worry about anything, this is by far the most interesting part. Furthermore, the customer does not have to search for the right premises, power connection, safety regulations, insurance, maintenance, cooling systems, qualified personnel, troubleshooting, etc. himself.

Whether Bitcoin, Ethereum, Kadena, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Handshake, Sia, Dash, Nervos Hosting: any device that is profitable for the customer can be included in the hosting.

We look after individual investors as well as farm customers as large investors.

It becomes even more interesting in the larger investment area, why we explain in the following point.

Why hosting is extremely attractive, especially for large investors

Anyone who has already built up a large company is aware of how many employees are needed for high sales. Countless personnel costs, rental or ownership costs of real estate, etc., not to mention the stress of such an undertaking.

All these negative aspects are completely eliminated with hosting. Even investments in the multi-million range can be carried out completely relaxed and without stress.


As a rule, a newly founded company is in the red for the first three to five years.

With your own mining farm, or a mining farm via hosting, you are in the black from day one.

From how many devices can you start hosting?

From one device it is possible to start hosting with us. We always have our high German quality and safety standard at our locations worldwide.

You can also start with a single miner slot and gradually expand the hosting with additional miners.

What are the benefits of crypto miner hosting?

– 24/7 – security and technical support

– 24/7 – Own VPN access, from a size of 1-2 megawatts

– 24/7 access to your own devices via monitoring

– 24/7 – Hands-on – We deliver fast service to your miners

– 24/7 – own repair service with highly qualified personnel

– Sustainability – 100% green mining possible on request

– Worldwide locations


If you don’t want to take care of everything, or if you want to hire your own staff, the crypto miner hosting area is the right place for you. We offer an all-round service with German quality and safety.

With us you have the right partner at your side, because we also place our own miners at the respective locations, unless requested otherwise.

The founders and shareholders Jennifer and Christian Behrens regularly visit their crypto mining farms and carry out intensive quality and security checks.

Customer satisfaction is our top priority.

Convince yourself of it.

Über die Smart IT Alliance GmbH

Die Smart IT Alliance GmbH, spezialisiert auf die Lieferung von Crypto Mining Hardware und Crypto Mining Farmen, begeistert ihre Kunden mit durchdachten Systemzusammenstellungen, Strom- und Wärmekonzepten, IT Sicherheit, Profis für die Umsetzung und außergewöhnlich schnellen Lieferungen. Durch den Betrieb der eigenen Crypto Mining Farmen wurden bereits unzählige Miner Konfigurationen getestet, Probleme gelöst und ideale Umsetzungen für alle möglichen Varianten live erprobt.

Häufig kommen die Kunden auf die Smart IT Alliance GmbH zu, mit der Bitte, ein schlüssiges Gesamtkonzept zu entwerfen und umzusetzen – vom blanken Boden aus oder gar ganz ohne passender Immobilie für die Mining Farm. Wer Kunde bei der Smart IT Alliance GmbH werden darf, kann sich einer unbeschreiblich engen Kundenbindung, Full Service, Sonderangeboten und blitzschnellen Umsetzungen erfreuen. So wurde alleine für die schnellere Umsetzung der Lieferungen aus Asien eine eigene Tochtergesellschaft in Hong Kong gegründet mit Mitarbeitern vor Ort. 

Der wichtigste Punkt an der gesamten Herangehensweise der Smart IT Alliance GmbH ist, dass bei jedem Kunden nicht nur die eine Lieferung sondern das Gesamtkonzept gesehen und immer im Blick gehalten wird. Ansonsten können die Miner in dem Büro, Lagerhalle oder neuen Mining Farm nicht angeschlossen werden, weil der Stromanschluss doch nicht für die hohe Dauerlast reicht, die Wärme nicht abtransportiert werden kann, die IT Sicherheit nicht gegeben ist, der Lärm nicht beachtet wurde oder oder oder. 

Seit neuestem bieten wir freie Plätze in unseren Mining Farm zum Miner Hosting an (auch in den USA!) und akzeptieren selbst Fremdgeräte (ab 10 st. ). Damit hat nun jeder die Chance auch günstig seine Miner betreiben zu können, denn die deutschen Preise ziehen leider immer mehr an.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Smart IT Alliance GmbH
TecCenter 1
31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Telefon: +49 (5063) 6329-790
Telefax: +49 (5063) 6329-799

Jennifer Behrens
Telefon: 05063-6329790
Fax: 05063-6329799
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