The GEMA lamp series was created in collaboration with the designers Laura Gämmerler and Pedro Sottomayor. Handmade in Portugal, a family of lamps has been created that pays homage to the natural properties of clay.
The shapely lampshade of the GEMA lighting family made of Engobe ceramic is available in the earth tones pale rose, sand and coal and three sizes. The surface is rough, as if dipped into sand. The Engobe ceramic colouring technique closes the open-pored surface of the ceramic. Through the process, the clay is refined, the lampshade is coloured and coated with the thin liquid clay mineral mass. Engobe is a homage to the natural properties of clay. The ceramic lampshade encloses the opaque glass body. This is mouth-blown and bathes the surroundings in soft light.
To the GEMA luminaire family
High-quality, handcrafted products and an appreciation for materials are at the heart of our philosophy
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