In today’s data-driven business world, data-driven decision making is crucial for global organisations. Sonepar Deutschland GmbH recognises the relevance of this approach and relies on Microsoft Power BI as an effective reporting and analysis tool. As a long-standing partner of Sonepar, noventum consulting already successfully helped to redesign and consolidate the company’s central data warehouse in 2018. We have now taken the next step in our collaboration: the implementation of Power BI to improve reporting and analyses.

Sonepar Deutschland GmbH is part of the globally active Sonepar Group and one of the leading companies for electrical installation materials with a turnover of more than 3 billion euros in 2022 and more than 5,000 employees at around 200 locations in Germany. As a partner at eye level, Sonepar supports customers from trade, commerce and industry with customer-oriented solutions: high-quality products and systems paired with a comprehensive range of services.

Initial situation:

Sonepar in Germany was facing a number of challenges in the area of reporting. The existing reporting options were static, slow and found little acceptance in the specialist departments. In view of the requirements for new sales analyses, it was now time to find innovative solutions. In this context, the company decided to introduce a new front-end tool. Various factors played a role in the search for a suitable solution: a modern, attractive design, interactivity, report performance and loading times, mobile access and, above all, intuitive report creation and expansion. Partly due to the existing use of Microsoft Power BI in the Sonepar Group worldwide, it was decided to also use this tool at Sonepar in Germany.

Read the complete article on nc360°, the noventum info platform

Über die noventum consulting GmbH

noventum consulting GmbH is an international IT management consultancy.

Founded in 1996 in Münster, today noventum is represented in Münster and Düsseldorf with more than 100 employees. An independent noventum partner company works in Luxembourg.

The managing partner is Uwe Rotermund.

noventum consulting supports its customers in their IT challenges and in their efforts for a modern corporate culture.

Customers are DAX companies as well as medium-sized companies and organizations with a large IT infrastructure.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

noventum consulting GmbH
Münsterstraße 111
48155 Münster
Telefon: +49 (2506) 9302-0
Telefax: +49 (2506) 9302-23

Marco Nielinger
Management Consultant
Telefon: +49 (2506) 93020
Dr. Matthias Rensing
Telefon: +49 (2506) 9302-0
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