According to recent studies, between 400,000 and 600,000 people suffer hospital infections every year. A significant proportion of these infections could be avoided by targeted preventive measures. Hospitals and nursing facilities face the constant challenge of ensuring the highest standards of hygiene.

In addition to established measures such as regular hand washing or disinfection of instruments, the equipment used also plays a vital role. One aspect is increasingly attracting attention: the importance of castors and wheels.

Mobility with responsibility

Castors and wheels are essential components in hospitals and care facilities. They are used in a wide range of applications, from medical devices to hospital beds and cleaning trolleys. However, due to their constant movement, they can come into contact with contaminated surfaces and thus contribute to the spread of germs.

To counteract this, castors and wheels must meet specific requirements. They should be durable, washable and able to withstand thorough cleaning and disinfection processes. This is a prerequisite to minimise the spread of dirt, germs and other impurities. In addition, there are certain materials that can limit the emergence of harmful pathogens.

Hygienic properties in detail

There are castors and wheels that are specifically tailored to the needs of hospitals and nursing facilities – such as TENTE mobility solutions. All metal components of these specially developed products are made of stainless steel, making them particularly resistant to moisture and chemical substances. This is particularly important in environments with frequent cleaning and disinfection cycles.

In addition, hydrolysis-resistant materials are being used. These plastics retain their functionality even after prolonged exposure to water and are characterised by high resistance to microbiological contamination. This effectively reduces the formation of potentially harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Reduced abrasion for better hygiene

Another advantage of TENTE solutions are non-marking wheels with reduced abrasion. They leave less residue on floors and help prevent cross contamination between different areas. Reduced abrasion means fewer particles are carried from one area to another – an important contribution to maintaining hygiene standards.

With these innovative solutions, companies such as TENTE are helping hospitals and nursing facilities to sustainably optimise their hygiene concepts and reduce the risk of hospital infections.

Über die TENTE International GmbH

TENTE International is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-quality castors and wheels. Since its founding in 1923, the company has continued to grow and develop and is now represented on five continents. With innovative ideas, perfected products, and customised solutions, TENTE sets the standard in the industry. Our products are used in a wide range of sectors, including medicine, industry, furniture, and transportation. TENTE is synonymous with quality, reliability, and sustainable production. Our aim is to improve the lives of our customers through better mobility. For more information, please visit our website at

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

TENTE International GmbH
Herrlinghausen 71 – Campus
42929 Wermelskirchen
Telefon: +49 (2196) 99-0

Daniela Maschmann
Content Manager
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