At XIMEA, our camera portfolio consists of 450 cameras and counting. From rugged industrial cameras, super small sub-miniature cameras, blazing fast PCIe high-speed solutions, and cooled scientific cameras, our portfolio is applicable to almost any industry. Our knowledgeable technical sales team is well versed in the broad application space that our cameras inhabit and is excited to help make your next project a success.

Powerful processing, minimal footprint
Is it possible to record and process hundreds of frames per second from three cameras with a device that is smaller than a laptop? The answer is yes, with the Nvidia Orin NX combined with the XIMEA carrier board. The XIMEA carrier board seamlessly integrates with the NX modules, allowing up to three high-speed 2-lane PCIe cameras to operate while the powerful Nvidia GPU does the heavy lifting of processing all this data. Upgrading to the AGX modules and the Nvidia developer kit exposes an 8-lane PCIe slot, allowing one of our ultra high-speed cameras to operate and generate thousands of frames per second – all in a formal factor that can easily fit inside a backpack!

Tailored Technology for your needs
Have an amazing idea, but can’t seem to find exactly the solution you are looking for? At XIMEA, our business is 50% off the shelf products and 50% custom-designed OEM business. We understand that even with our wide portfolio, the most effective solution may not be off the shelf. With over 30 years in business, our experienced engineering team is more than capable of designing the perfect solution for you and optimizing your success!

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Am Mittelhafen 16
48155 Münster
Telefon: +49 (251) 202408-0
Telefax: +49 (251) 202408-99

Henning von der Forst
Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (251) 202408-31
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