Sentry Protection Products is excited to be exhibiting at LogiMAT 2025, March 11 – 13 in Messe Stuttgart, Germany. Each year our goal is to introduce something new in the world of warehousing and industrial safety that provides a solution to challenges faced by our customers. This year is no exception.

Today’s distribution centers and warehouses have grown in size and scale with large stretches of floor space becoming more valuable than ever. To meet this demand, these buildings contain fewer columns that are much larger than standard structural columns. As a leader in manufacturing impact-resistant and collision warning products, Sentry has developed the Column Sentry® FIT System, an innovative solution that assures that building owners can protect columns of every shape and size.

Sentry is excited to introduce the Column Sentry® FIT System – a system of three separate interchangeable pieces working together to expand the range of column protection for larger and odd-sized industrial columns.

James Ryan, Sentry’s owner will demo the FIT System and the configurator tool that allows customers to determine the correct combination of pieces needed to cover various column sizes.

Please visit the Sentry stand during show hours and learn about the Column Sentry FIT System and the rest of Sentry’s line-up of impact resistant and collision warning products.

Sentry at LogiMAT 2025 – Hall 1, Stand K02

Über Sentry Protection Products

Sentry Protection Products is a leading provider of innovative, impact resistant products and collision warning systems for industrial applications. The company’s award-winning products are manufactured in North America and Europe and sold worldwide. Sentry is headquartered in Lakewood, OH. For additional information visit

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Sentry Protection Products
16927 Detroit Avenue, Suite 3
Telefon: +31 (43) 3256080

MJ Thomas
Manager, Marketing and PR
Telefon: +1 216 228 3200
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