PFISTERER, the international quality leader in electrical connection technology for energy infrastructure, is supplying turnkey cable systems for the BorWin4 and DolWin4 offshore grid connections, thus continuing its long-standing cooperation with Siemens Energy. The two platforms enable the highly efficient transmission of offshore wind energy to the German mainland, making a significant contribution to a renewable energy supply.


PFISTERER is in charge of implementing the entire 66 kV AC cable infrastructure between the gas insulated switchgear (GIS), transformer and submarine cable connection on the DolWin4 and BorWin4 platforms. This involves planning, comprehensive engineering services, as well as installation and project management. Alternating current from offshore wind turbines is converted into direct current on the platforms in order for the electrical energy to be transported with maximum efficiency and minimal losses over long distances to land. BorWin4 and DolWin4 are scheduled to go into operation in 2028 around 125 kilometers northwest of the island of Borkum in the North Sea. With a transmission capacity of 900 megawatts each, they can transport enough electricity to cover the energy requirements of a large city such as Hamburg with 1.8 million inhabitants.


BorWin4 and DolWin4 mark a further milestone in the cooperation between Siemens Energy and PFISTERER in the field of offshore wind power transmission. “PFISTERER is a reliable partner for us, significantly contributing to the successful implementation of the BorWin4 and DolWin4 projects with its technical expertise and proven solutions,” says Stefan Kuhn, Project Manager at Siemens Energy. PFISTERER’s highly specialized cable accessories ensure safe and reliable power transmission at the interfaces within the cable systems on the platforms. “With BorWin4 and DolWin4, we are strengthening our position as an innovative and reliable partner for complex offshore projects and supporting the implementation of future-proof energy infrastructure,” explains André Roth, Senior Project Manager HV Cable Systems at PFISTERER.


PFISTERER is a globally leading and independent technology company with head offices in Winterbach near Stuttgart, Germany. The company develops, produces, and sells solutions for the insulation and connection of electrical conductors for power grid interfaces – from the generation to the transmission to the distribution of electrical energy – on land, at sea, and in the air. With its powerful innovation, state-of-the-art production capabilities, and global sales network, PFISTERER offers advanced solutions for the challenges of electrification. Since its founding in 1921, PFISTERER has established itself internationally as a pioneer in modern energy infrastructure and is an attractive employer in a future-oriented industry with exciting development opportunities for more than 1,200 employees. PFISTERER Holding SE has a global presence with 17 operational locations across 15 countries. Karl-Heinz Pfisterer, grandson of the company’s founder, has made decisive contributions to this development since the 1970’s and today is the Chair of the Supervisory Board.

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Rosenstraße 44
73650 Winterbach
Telefon: +49 (7181) 7005-0
Telefax: +49 (7181) 7005-565

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Expert Content & PR
Telefon: +49 (711) 90140-725
Gregor Vollbach
Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
Telefon: +49 7181 7005 487
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