Precision Analysis – A Tentamus Company launches new National Collection Service. This innovative service is set to transform quality testing accessibility for food manufacturers across the UK.

Our National Collection Service operates through an efficient process designed to ensure the highest quality and accuracy in food testing. When a manufacturer requests testing, we provide specialised testing kits that maintain optimal conditions for their samples.

This way, even remote manufacturers can meet their products‘ microbiological and chemistry testing needs without logistical challenges, reinforcing our dedication to efficiency and excellence in food safety.

Whether they are large-scale producers or independent manufacturers, food businesses can now benefit from enhanced accessibility to Precision Analysis‘ trusted expertise, helping them uphold the highest industry standards.

Key Benefits of the National Collection Service:

  • Nationwide Coverage – our service will be accessible to food manufacturers across the UK.
  • Convenience – hassle-free sample collection directly from your site.
  • Reliability – ensuring consistent and accurate results.
  • Tailored Support – we help businesses meet industry safety and quality standards.

About Precision Analysis – A Tentamus Company

Precision Analysis is one of our leading Liverpool-based laboratories providing comprehensive analytical testing for the food and water industry. As part of the Tentamus Group, a global network of laboratories specializing in food safety and quality assurance, Precision Analysis remains at the forefront of innovation in testing services.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Tentamus Group GmbH
An der Industriebahn 26
13088 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 206038-230
Telefax: +49 (30) 206038-190

Tentamus UK
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