In February 2025, LUM GmbH began a strategic sales partnership with the Chinese company Alpharmaca Inc., based in Shanghai, in order to meet the strong demand from the pharmaceutical and semiconductor sectors and also to provide customers with a high level of local expertise in solving their questions in the area of particle and direct dispersion characterization and materials testing.

Founded in 2010, Alpharmaca is a resource platform that serves China’s industrial 4.0 industrialization and upgrading, introducing leading technologies and products from abroad. Alpharmaca focuses on the field of nanoscopic technology from the starting point of the pharmaceutical industry and has a business coverage of biological, pharmaceutical, chemical, semiconductor, coatings and other industries, as well as universities, research institutes and other institutions [1].

Susanne Lerche-Merchant, CEO of LUM GmbH, “With this new partnership, we are strengthening our market presence in important future industries with specialized expertise to the benefit of our existing and future customers. With the LUMiSpoc single particle counter, we offer solutions for particle counting and determination of particle size distribution for the pharmaceutical industry, which were also used in COVID vaccine development in Europe, as previously reported.

Grinding and polishing pastes and suspensions and their particle characterization as well as their stability assessment in the original concentration are extremely important topics in the semiconductor industry, which determine the “welfare and woe” of, for example, silicon wafers.  We are pleased that the experts at Alpharmaca will be using both the LUMiSpoc and the LUMiSizer in their application laboratory in a few days to give customers different perspectives on the samples. The new collaboration is a further step in the continuous development of our international strategy. “


Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Justus-von-Liebig-Str. 3
12489 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 6780-6030
Telefax: +49 (30) 6780-6058

Dr. Arnold Uhl
Sales & Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (30) 678060-40
Fax: +49 (40) 678060-58
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