Raynet, global software vendor with market-leading solutions and complementary managed services for successful end-to-end management of IT projects and IT operations, congratulates its long-standing partner USU on its positioning as a leader among top vendors in The Forrester Wave™: Software Asset Management Solutions, Q1 2025.

Raynet attributes USU’s recognition to the importance of an accurate inventory in Software Asset Management (SAM). As an OEM supplier for USU’s Inventory Management component, Raynet is proud to contribute to overall success with its expertise in this area.

“In the complex world of IT Asset Management, the following is true: you can’t manage what you can’t see,” explains Ragip Aydin, CEO of Raynet. “Our partnership with USU aims to provide companies with the transparency they need. The Raynet One technology enables True IT Asset Visibility – the basis for effective Software Asset Management.”

Raynet sees the recognition in the Forrester Wave report as confirmation of the strength of the partnership between USU’s comprehensive SAM expertise and Raynet’s leading Inventory Management solution. Now, USU is also recognized among top SAM solutions by independent analyst firm, Forrester.

“With Raynet, we have a strong partner at our side who shares our vision. Together, we are combining our expertise to offer our customers industry-recognized solutions in the field of Software Asset Management. We are proud to be named a Leader by Forrester,” says Johannes Biesing, VP Product Management at USU.

Raynet congratulates USU on this well-deserved acknowledgment and looks forward to continuing to work together to deliver world-class Software Asset Management solutions to customers worldwide.

The full report can be accessed at this link.

About USU:
As a leading provider of software and services for IT and customer service management, USU enables companies to master the challenges of today’s digital world. Global organizations use their solutions to cut costs, become more agile and reduce risk – with smarter services, simpler workflows, and better collaboration. With more than 45 years of experience and locations worldwide, the USU team brings customers into the future.

Further information: www.usu.com/en-us/

Forrester Disclaimer:
The Forrester Wave™: Software Asset Management Solutions, Q1 2025 – The Nine Providers That Matter Most and How They Stack Up von Biswajeet Mahapatra, Frederic Giron, Min Say, and Bill Nagel.

Forrester does not endorse any company, product, brand, or service included in its research publications and does not advise any person to select the products or services of any company or brand based on the ratings included in such publications. Information is based on the best available resources. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change. For more information, read about Forrester’s objectivity here.

Über die Raynet GmbH

Raynet is a global software vendor with market-leading solutions and managed service provider in the field of Enterprise Software Management. Following the mission "Discover to Manage", Raynet offers the market unique products covering all technologies.

In addition to the headquarters in Paderborn, Raynet has further locations in Germany, the USA, Poland, Turkey, and the UK. With more than 140 highly qualified employees, Raynet has been supporting well-known customers and partners worldwide in their projects with its portfolio since 1999 – from Unified Data Management and Software Asset Management to Software Packaging and Workflow Management to Unified Endpoint Management.

Raynet also maintains strong partnerships with the leading companies in this industry. Raynet products are unique in design and functionality. Their development is highly driven by customers and partners, who play an important role in product optimization and are the main reason why they always occupy a top position.

Whether a new SAM project is to be set up or a deployment tool introduced, a packaging factory planned, or a migration carried out – Raynet is always the best-of-breed partner for all products, services and solutions of Application Lifecycle Management for Enterprises.

Further information: www.raynet-inc.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Raynet GmbH
Technologiepark 22
33100 Paderborn
Telefon: +49 (5251) 54009-0
Telefax: +49 (5251) 54009-29

Isabella Borth
Chief Marketing & Growth Officer
Telefon: +49 (5251) 54009-2425
Fax: +49 (5251) 54009-29
E-Mail: presse@raynet.de
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