Hybrid Software offers smart solutions for prepress, quality control, printing, and finishing for label and packaging printers as well as 3D prototyping and artwork management for brand owners.

(Ghent, Belgium) Hybrid Software, a leading provider of innovative prepress and workflow solutions for the label and packaging industry, will be exhibiting on stand C87 at Labelexpo Mexico from 1-3 April 2025 in Guadalajara, Mexico.

“Labelexpo Mexico is an important trade fair for the label and packaging printing market in Latin America”, says Carlos Arizpe, Hybrid Software Sales Manager Latin America. “In addition to presenting label and packaging converters with new innovations, we are also excited to present our solutions for CPGs and retailers from our recently launched business unit, Hybrid BrandZ.”

What to Expect at Hybrid Software’s Booth:

Streamlining workflows for brand owners to go to market faster and set new trends
Hybrid BrandZ offers a comprehensive SaaS-based artwork management solution called Artflow as well as iC3D, 3D packaging software for photorealistic product visualization and prototyping.

Prepress solutions for color management, step-and-repeat, and variable data printing
Hybrid Software’s solutions for label and packaging printerssimplify the complexities of spot color simulation, extended gamut printing, and digital press optimization, ensuring consistent and high-quality results. Transforming personalization capabilities, Hybrid Software’s VDP Execute automates workflows for variable data, perfect for short runs, personalized packaging, and custom labels. Integrated, smart technology enables faster, more efficient production without compromising quality.

Velvet Screening offers flawless flexo prints with a flexible workflow
Hybrid Software’s Velvet Screening services flexo printers with an advanced dot removal algorithm which delivers smoother transitions, customizable settings, and unmatched flexibility—ensuring perfect print results on any flexo plate, resolution, or ruling.

Don’t miss the opportunity to see Hybrid Software in action on stand C87 at Labelexpo Mexico 2025. For more information or to book a meeting with our team pre-registration is available at https://eur.cvent.me/QR8eBQ or by contacting Carlos Arizpe at carlosa@hybridsoftware.com.

Über die HYBRID Software GmbH

With offices in Belgium, Germany, US, UK, Spain, France, Italy, and China plus a global partner network, Hybrid Software is an enterprise software development company focused on innovative productivity tools for the graphic arts industry.

Hybrid Software’s CLOUDFLOW workflow, PACKZ PDF editor, iC3D visualization software, and print quality solutions offer a unique set of advantages that include native PDF workflows, enterprise cloud solutions, scalable technology with low cost of ownership, and direct integration with leading MIS solutions and output devices. These products are used by thousands of customers worldwide in all areas of prepress and print, including labels and packaging, folding cartons, corrugated, wide format and digital printing. Hybrid Software is a subsidiary of Hybrid Software Group.


Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

HYBRID Software GmbH
Uhlandstraße 9
79102 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 (761) 70776700
Telefax: +49 (761) 70776729

Steven Steenhaut
Director of Marketing
Telefon: +32 (478) 8830-82
E-Mail: stevens@hybridsoftware.com
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