The innovative software from is not only AI-ready, but also combines various methods and digital technologies to drastically reduce the effort. Parallel inventories, intelligent data processing, and automatic layer formation minimize the counting effort.

Counts are made directly in GESTIN or via existing host systems. The software is compliant with HGB § 241, certified, and flexible (cloud or on-premise). Fast support and easy 7-step implementation are included.

HESTIA offers companies numerous advantages:
• Time savings: Reduces inventory time from several days to a few hours (example: OASE GmbH reduced inventory time from 15 to 2 days).
• Cost efficiency: Drastically reduces the positions to be counted (example: reduction from 12,000 to 1,000 positions, which corresponds to a reduction in the value of goods of 50%).
• Minimization of business interruptions: Enables faster and more efficient inventories without disrupting ongoing operations.
• Increased employee satisfaction: Increases acceptance and motivation in the team through simpler and less stressful inventory processes.
• Focus on digitalization: Enables companies to concentrate on strategic initiatives and gain competitive advantages through digital transformation.

"GESTIN is the easiest solution for modern inventory processes," says Stefan Brenner, Managing Director of "With GESTIN, companies digitalize their inventory, increase efficiency at the best price-performance ratio."

A free demo version is available on the website.

Über die ClassiX Software GmbH

The Hamburg-based company classix Software GmbH and its products are aimed at decision-makers, users, and developers. We help to build holistic, digital models of companies.

For, it is no longer just a matter of developing functionality for functionality. classix asks the question of commonality to develop apps more efficiently.

Data should be better understood to make AI and natural language processing usable for companies.

The result of classix’s research and development is a powerful and flexible CyberEnterprise® business OS. This means that IT can be used more quickly.

classix – a class of its own.
ClassiX Software GmbH
Oehleckerring 11
22419 Hamburg

Phone:: +49 40-5305429-0

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

ClassiX Software GmbH
Oehleckerring 11
22081 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 5305429-0
Telefax: +49 (40) 5305429-11

Christine Garbers
Telefon: +4940530542942
Sascha Stein
Social Media Manager
Telefon: +4940530542944
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