Hall: 10 Stand-Nr.: G41

With Swarm Automation Go, Toyota Material Handling Europe offers a simple and easy way to automate logistics operations—designed to help both first-time users and experienced businesses explore automation on a small scale before making larger investments.

Making automation accessible for all

In today’s logistics, challenges like labour shortages, increasing customer demands, rising damage costs, lost inventory, and delays are persistent challenges in logistics operations. While automation offers solutions to many of these issues, businesses often evaluate the benefits, costs and risks carefully before making a commitment, seeking assurance that their investment will deliver tangible results and integrate seamlessly with their operations.

To support businesses on their automation journey, Toyota Material Handling Europe introduces Swarm Automation Go, a flexible and adaptive solution for automating pallet transportation and stacking. The solution offers a simple and risk-free way to explore the benefits of automation, without upfront investment or immediate long-term commitments.

Flexible automation for growth, from start to scale

Swarm Automation Go is a practical, scalable solution for businesses of all sizes. It allows newcomers to automation to start small without high upfront costs or long-term commitments, while businesses with existing automation can expand to try and test new logistic flows. Ideal for operations with repetitive tasks and multiple shifts, Swarm Automation Go adapts to changing needs, offering process efficiency and productivity. Starting from six months, flexible terms allow businesses to explore automation. Whether starting small or expanding, it makes automation accessible.

Automation based on proven technology.

The basis of the concept is a proven product, the Toyota SAE 160 automated pallet stacker. Designed for point-to-point pallet transport, the AGV solution is managed by intelligent automation software, T-ONE, ensuring smooth communication and execution of the orders.  

Simple solution, yet prioritising safety and quality

The solution is simple but that does not detract from safety or quality. Advanced sensing technology ensures 360° safety by detecting hazards and enabling emergency stops. Its precise movements reduce damage, stock issues and operational costs, while eliminating driver costs results in immediate labour savings.  

Swarm Automation Go offers support from Toyota’s trusted European network to keep operations up and running. Full on-site installation and integration for future large-scale automation is also taken care of. 

Automation as a service with payback from day one

Swarm Automation Go is the ideal step onto the automation ladder and a straightforward way for businesses looking for solutions to easily improve operational efficiency.

The solution integrates seamlessly into various operational flows to automate repetitive tasks, such as transport to and from warehousing stations. It ensures reliable performance by assisting with component supply in manufacturing or order dispatch, allowing drivers to focus on higher priority tasks. This comprehensive package includes all necessary equipment, installation and support for automating pallet transport. With a flexible commitment period, Swarm Automation Go provides a convenient option for businesses new to automation or those looking to expand their existing automated processes, delivering immediate benefits from day one.

Über die Toyota Material Handling Deutschland GmbH

Toyota Material Handling Europe is the European headquarters of Toyota Material Handling Group, which is part of Toyota Industries Corporation – the global leader in material handling equipment. It provides businesses of all sizes, in more than 30 European countries, with a full range of counterbalanced forklift trucks, warehouse equipment/services, added-value solutions and innovations. Over 95% of trucks are manufactured in our European factories, in Sweden, France and Italy – all to Toyota Production System’s (TPS) quality standards. Find out more to achieve exceptional efficiency in your operations.www.toyota-forklifts.eu

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Toyota Material Handling Deutschland GmbH
Hannoversche Straße 113
30916 Isernhagen
Telefon: +49 (511) 7262-0
Telefax: +49 (511) 7262-137

Lieselotte Everaerts
Strategic Marketing Manager, Toyota Material Handling Europe
Telefon: +32 (3) 302-3245
Fax: +32 (498) 6973-92
E-Mail: lieselotte.everaerts@toyota-industries.eu
Holger Urbschat
Telefon: 0511-7262184
E-Mail: holger.urbschat@de.toyota-industries.eu
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