Winning the prestigious “Best Product” Award 2025 at LogiMAT for its groundbreaking fourth-generation RFID reader, Kathrein Solutions is simultaneously strengthening its presence in the United States. With an expanding market demand for efficient RFID solutions in North America, the company has established a dedicated regional sales representative to provide direct support to customers and partners in the U.S.

Building upon its existing partnership with Stargent, a leading value-added distributor specializing in RFID, IoT, and connectivity solutions, Kathrein Solutions is now taking an even more proactive approach to serving the U.S. market. By having a regional sales expert on the ground, the company is able to respond more effectively to local customer needs, provide tailored consultation, and accelerate the adoption of its award-winning Gen4 RFID solutions.

Revolutionizing RFID Applications with the Gen4 Reader

Kathrein Solutions’ fourth-generation RFID readers, recognized as the “Best Product” at LogiMAT in 2025, set new industry standards for performance, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. The Gen4 readers are available in two versions:

  • ARU (Antenna Reader Unit) – A reader with an integrated antenna and three external antenna ports.
  • RRU (Reader Unit) – A reader with four external antenna ports for versatile application setups.

With a digitally switchable phased-array antenna system, the ARU Gen4 enables precise control over reading zones, eliminating the need for additional RFID gates and improving workflow efficiency.

Enhanced Performance for Industrial and Logistics Applications

The Gen4 readers offer a 10-fold increase in sensitivity compared to previous generations, significantly enhancing performance in metallic and complex multi-tag environments. Additional key benefits include:

  • 40% lower power consumption, reducing operational costs.
  • 50% smaller footprint, minimizing raw material usage and promoting sustainability.
  • Real-time inventory tracking with integrated WLAN and 5G connectivity, enabling seamless ERP system integration.

Expansion in the USA: A Strategic Move

Recognizing the growing demand for RFID-based automation in North America, Kathrein Solutions is intensifying its efforts to serve customers across industries such as logistics, warehousing, automotive, and supply chain management. The presence of a dedicated regional sales representative ensures:

  • Faster response times and improved customer service.
  • Direct support for partners and integrators deploying RFID solutions.
  • Hands-on training and consultation for clients adopting Gen4 RFID technology.

With the combination of an award-winning product portfolio and a strengthened presence in the U.S., Kathrein Solutions is well-positioned to drive digital transformation and innovation in RFID applications across the region.

Über die KATHREIN Solutions GmbH

Kathrein Solutions develops and manufactures RFID readers, RFID antennas, and customized solutions at its German facilities. With a strong focus on innovation, the company provides a comprehensive portfolio of RFID technology that supports complex material and production flow automation. Through a network of global partners, Kathrein Solutions ensures seamless implementation of RFID-based digitalization projects, supported by its Professional Services team from presales to go-live.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

KATHREIN Solutions GmbH
Kronstaudener Weg 1
83071 Stephanskirchen
Telefon: +49 (8036) 908310
Telefax: +49 (8036) 9083169

Sandra Liedl
Telefon: +49 (8036) 90831-23
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