iTAC’s MES and IIoT solutions support transparent, automated production. The Manufacturing Execution System iTAC.MES.Suite is a core element for digitizing value adding processes. The new release therefore also focuses on networking, analysis and automation.
iTAC.Workbench for HTML5-compliant applications
The iTAC Workbench is a browser-based framework for integrating any HTML5-compliant applications. The new framework is designed to consolidate the variety of iTAC and customer-specific applications. In addition, the framework offers generic integration of new applications via iTAC plug-in technology. The overall goal is to efficiently support employees with all the information they need to carry out their work. With the new operating concept, all possible subsequent steps can be made available to the employee with just a few clicks. The iTAC Workbench is therefore closely integrated with the workflow management system newly developed by iTAC for MES-based process optimization.
Advanced Planning and Scheduling based on production versions
Efficient MES-based manufacturing also includes detailed order planning. The iTAC.MES.Suite has therefore been offering an APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) service for several years. The new release supports transmission and detailed order planning based on several production versions in the APS service. When scheduling an order, the APS service will consider the available, valid production versions for the product in question and select these so that the order is scheduled according to the target function at the lowest possible cost.
Enhancement of the iTAC Messaging Service
The iTAC.Messaging.Services portfolio has been expanded to include technological support for the new broker "ActiveMQ". Client processes actively receive the MES data from the iTAC.MES.Suite (push procedure) as soon as it is available. The shorter communication cycles can have a positive effect on the cycle times of the plant.
Active repair control
The iTAC.MES.Suite now also offers a configuration option for assigning repair characteristics to the individual components of the bill of materials. Among other things, this takes into account whether a repair or replacement is valid for the component. In addition, error types can be defined that, in combination with previously defined components, lead directly to a booking of scrap for the assembly or component. The operator is supported by visual hints regarding the possible effects of a defect assignment.
Better Support for Injection Moulding Machines (SGM)
For the operation of injection moulding machines, a Euromap 63 interface and HTML5-based HMI applications for the input and visualisation of data and the display of documents were implemented. Typical applications include: Order registration and deregistration, recording of quantities, basic fault input, tool registration and consumption, display of documents.
In addition, the new release offers better connection options for paste printers and measuring devices
Die iTAC Software AG, ein eigenständiges Unternehmen des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaukonzerns Dürr, bietet internetfähige Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien für die produzierende Industrie. Das 1998 gegründete Unternehmen zählt in Deutschland zu den führenden MES-Herstellern. Die iTAC.MES.Suite ist ein ausgereiftes Manufacturing Execution System, das weltweit bei Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Industriezweige wie Automobil/-zulieferung, Elektronik/EMS/TK, Medizintechnik, Metallindustrie und Energie zum Einsatz kommt. Weitere Systeme und Lösungen ermöglichen die Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0- und IIoT-Anforderungen.
Die Philosophie von iTAC ist es, Menschen, Daten und Systeme miteinander zu verbinden.
Die iTAC Software AG hat ihren Hauptsitz in Montabaur in Deutschland sowie Niederlassungen in den USA, China und verfügt über ein weltweites Partnernetzwerk für Vertrieb und Service.
Der Dürr-Konzern zählt zu den weltweit führenden Maschinen- und Anlagenbauern. Produkte, Systeme und Services von Dürr ermöglichen hocheffiziente Fertigungsprozesse in unterschiedlichen Industrien. Rund 60% des Umsatzes entfallen auf das Geschäft mit Automobilherstellern und -zulieferern. Weitere Abnehmerbranchen sind zum Beispiel der Maschinenbau, die Chemie- und Pharmaindustrie und die holzbearbeitende Industrie.
iTAC Software AG
Aubachstraße 24
56410 Montabaur
Telefon: +49 (2602) 1065-0
Telefax: +49 (2602) 1065-30
Director Product Marketing
Telefon: +49 (2602) 1065-217
Fax: +49 (2602) 1065-30
Telefon: +49 (211) 9717977-0