In accordance with the recommendations published by the European Central Bank on 27th March, related to the Covid-19 crisis, and applicable to the Credit Agricole Group and to its subsidiaries, Amundi intends to propose to its Board of Directors not to submit to its General Assembly, convened on May 12th 20201, the dividend payout of €3.10 per share for the 2019 fiscal year, and to allocate the entire 2019 results to reserves.

During the second half of 2020, the Board will propose guidelines for distribution to shareholders. These could consist in the payment of an advance on dividends pertaining to 2020 results, or in an exceptional distribution from reserves, which would require the holding of an Exceptional General Shareholders‘ Meeting.

Amundi reminds that it enjoys a strong capital position, with a CET1 ratio of 15.9% at end-2019 (including the provisioning of the dividend). The allocation of the 2019 results to reserves will positively impact this ratio by more than 500 bps to over 20%.

1 In the current epidemic context, the AGM convened of 12 May 2020 will take place without physical attendance of shareholders, in compliance with the French ordonnance n° 2020-321, dated 25 March 2020. Consequently, shareholders are invited to vote by post, using the voting form, or to give their proxy to the Chairman of the AGM.

Shareholder are also invited to read regularly the section dedicated to the 2020 AGM, on Amundi’s corporate website…, which will be regularly updated regarding terms governing participation to the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Über die Amundi Deutschland GmbH

Amundi is the European largest asset manager by assets under management2 and ranks in the top 10 globally2. It manages 1,653 billion3 euros of assets across six main investment hubs4 .Amundi offers its clients in Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and the Americas a wealth of market expertise and a full range of capabilities across the active, passive and real assets investment universes. Clients also have access to a complete set of services and tools. Headquartered in Paris, Amundi was listed in November 2015.

Thanks to its unique research capabilities and the skills of close to 4,500 team members and market experts based in nearly 40 countries, Amundi provides retail, institutional and corporate clients with innovative investment strategies and solutions tailored to their needs, targeted outcomes and risk profiles

Amundi. Confidence must be earned.

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Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Amundi Deutschland GmbH
Arnulfstraße 124 – 126
80636 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 992260
Telefax: +49 (800) 777-1928

Anette Baum
Telefon: +49 (89) 992262-374
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