• Modified concept to meet current safety and hygiene requirements
  • Special Edition supports future viability of the industry
  • Digital extras

Let’s start with some good news: BrauBeviale will take place this year! The event concept has been modified due to the current circumstances. In consultation with the relevant authorities, safety and hygiene concepts were developed to ensure a safe and effective trade fair experience for all participants. This year, the international capital goods fair for the beverage industry will therefore take place at Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 10 to 12 November as a “BrauBeviale Special Edition”. This decision was taken in close consultation with our exhibitors, visitors and partners and therefore specifically meets their requests for the organisation of a physical platform before the end of the year to facilitate dialogue and foster business.

“The decision to hold BrauBeviale this year was not just down to us as the organiser but was taken in close consultation with our exhibitors, visitors and partners,” explains Andrea Kalrait, Executive Director BrauBeviale at NürnbergMesse. “The message that we kept getting in our discussions was that our customers still wanted to have their annual gathering in 2020, all the more so as it was probably the only opportunity for such a meeting this year, not just at national and European level but internationally. So I am really looking forward to welcoming as many visitors as possible in person to our event in Nuremberg!”

The key theme of the current three-year BrauBeviale cycle is the future viability of the beverage industry. This year in particular, which has also forced a lot of companies in the beverage sector to face unprecedented and difficult challenges, the future viability of the industry is more important than ever. The BrauBeviale Special Edition is therefore very much about showing solidarity. As a partner to the entire beverage sector, this year’s event will send out a message and provide an attractive, successful and at the same time safe platform to allow industry stakeholders to share information, network and join forces to emerge from this difficult situation in a stronger position.

BrauBeviale Special Edition – tailored hygiene concept

Andrea Kalrait explains the principle behind the Special Edition: “Naturally, protecting our customers is always a top priority for us, so together with the relevant authorities we developed a safety and hygiene concept tailored to BrauBeviale, to ensure the greatest possible degree of safety for all trade fair participants.” The main protection objectives and the cornerstones of all measures implemented are to make it possible to observe current social distancing rules and facilitate contact tracing and good hand hygiene. The supporting programme was also adapted to meet these requirements: The Craft Drinks Area, BrauBeviale Forum and brau@home will make the necessary adjustments to the way they communicate and provide information so as to ensure the safety of the participants.

“Except for stand parties, things can happen in the usual way but subject to the prescribed conditions that we are all familiar with meanwhile from our daily routines,” says Andrea Kalrait, summing up the concept for the BrauBeviale Special Edition. “There will be a one-way system to direct visitor flows through the halls. Wherever it is not possible to observe social distancing, masks must be worn, and the exhibition stands have to comply with the necessary safety and hygiene standards. In addition, the contact details of all exhibitors and visitors will be collected to ensure the necessary traceability. Because we cannot use the same hall configuration as last year, I encourage all visitors to do a bit more preparation for their trade fair visit this time round.” An obligatory part of this preparation will be to register in advance online. To make sure that the admissible number of visitors per day is not exceeded, only day tickets will be available this year. So each visitor has to decide on a specific day and then register for it. The tickets are available on mobile devices and allow contactless access to the exhibition grounds.

There is positive news from Beviale Family in China about the successful restart of the trade fair business. This is not just pointing the way forward for the exhibition industry worldwide, but also for Nuremberg as a trade fair venue and consequently, for BrauBeviale. CRAFT BEER CHINA took place in Shanghai from 1 to 3 July 2020 and was a professional event that did an excellent job in implementing the necessary distancing and hygiene rules.

Online option: the regular industry gathering on the internet

Considering the current travel restrictions, BrauBeviale has also undertaken to enable trade visitors and companies to participate in the BrauBeviale Special Edition even if they cannot come to Nuremberg in person. Alongside work on implementing the modified event concept at the exhibition centre, preparations are also in full swing for the digital dialogue platform “myBeviale.com” (www.mybeviale.com). It will dovetail the analogue and digital worlds and will also be available to the BrauBeviale community the whole year round after the trade fair is over. For the event the BrauBeviale Forum programme, among other things, will also be put online. Thanks to this online option, trade fair participants will have the opportunity to watch and even interact with interesting presentations live from their homes. In addition, it will be possible to live-stream contributions by high-calibre speakers who are not able to attend the event in person. “So I urge all of you to make a firm note of the dates 10 to 12 November 2020 in your calendar and take your place at the industry’s regular gathering! Whether in person at the Nuremberg venue or in virtual space from your PC at home, we have a wide-ranging programme to offer you!” says Andrea Kalrait in an appeal to all industry players.

For the latest information on the BrauBeviale Special Edition, please go to: www.braubeviale.de/en

Save the Date: BrauBeviale 2022 – 2024

Note the dates of the next BrauBeviale three-year cycle now:

BrauBeviale 2022: 8 to 10 November 2022

BrauBeviale 2023: 14 to 16 November 2023

BrauBeviale 2024: 12 to 14 November 2024

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Telefon: +49 (911) 860683-55
Fax: +49 (911) 86061283-55
E-Mail: christina.freund@nuernbergmesse.de
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Telefon: +49 (911) 860686-46
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