• New, central data platform for parcel sorting centers to integrate data sets of various sources
  • Providing homogenous data of different sorting equipment and IT systems in real time
  • Basis for operational excellence in parcel handling

Siemens Logistics has developed Parcel Data Hub, a central platform that breaks up data silos caused by various sorting equipment and IT systems in parcel sorting facilities. The platform integrates and standardizes data sets of items, assets, and processes. It provides comprehensive, semantic data models for any type of analytics application – all in real time and end to end.

As a a single point of truth, Parcel Data Hub informs about the actual condition of each parcel as well as equipment in a sorting system. Thus, the platform creates the basis for seamless and efficient processes in sorting centers and eventually enables operational excellence.

Michael Reichle, CEO of Siemens Logistics, explains: "For parcel sorting centers, not only the sheer volume of data but also the use of diverse data standards are a major challenge. These data silos and the missing real time availability of data prevent sorting facilities from operating at optimum. With our latest software innovation, we solve this issue and enable our customers to take full advantage of all data. Any kind of data from any source can be connected, forming a reliable basis for fast and seamless parcel handling and optimum asset utilization.”

A main feature of Parcel Data Hub is data normalization. It allows data from diverse sources to be easily combined, compared, and processed and creates a reliable pool of standardized data. The platform ensures adherence to the highest data security standards and contributes to optimizing operational costs.

Furthermore, Parcel Data Hub is completely independent and can process data generated by Siemens’ sorting systems as well as those from other manufacturers. Any software solution by any supplier can benefit from the data stored in Parcel Data Hub. This includes Siemens Hub Booster, which helps operate sorting facilities as efficiently as possible, and Siemens Network Booster, which creates transparency across a sorting network and enables an improved overall performance.

For further information on Siemens Parcel Data Hub, please click here.

Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a global technology powerhouse that has stood for engineering excellence, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality for more than 170 years. Active around the world, the company focuses on intelligent infrastructure for buildings and distributed energy systems and on automation and digitalization in the process and manufacturing industries. Siemens brings together the digital and physical worlds to benefit customers and society. Through Mobility, a leading supplier of intelligent mobility solutions for rail and road transport, Siemens is helping to shape the world market for passenger and freight services. Via its majority stake in the publicly listed company Siemens Healthineers, Siemens is also a world-leading supplier of medical technology and digital health services. In addition, Siemens holds a minority stake in Siemens Energy, a global leader in the transmission and generation of electrical power that has been listed on the stock exchange since September 28, 2020. In fiscal 2020, which ended on September 30, 2020, the Siemens Group generated revenue of €57.1 billion and net income of €4.2 billion. As of September 30, 2020, the company had around 293,000 employees worldwide. Further information is available on the Internet at www.siemens.com.

Über die Siemens Logistics GmbH

Siemens Logistics GmbH, headquartered in Constance, Germany, is a fully owned subsidiary of Siemens AG. Siemens Logistics is a leading provider of innovative and high-performance products and solutions for mail and parcel automation; for airport logistics including baggage and cargo handling; and for the digitalization of logistics processes using high-end software. Comprehensive customer service completes the portfolio. Siemens Logistics is represented worldwide through its regional companies and active in more than 60 countries. Major customers include renowned airports as well as postal and parcel service providers around the globe. Further information is available online at www.siemens-logistics.com.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Siemens Logistics GmbH
Lilienthalstraße 16/18
78467 Konstanz
Telefon: +49 (7531) 86-2500

Monica Soffritti
Telefon: +49 (7531) 86-2659
E-Mail: monica.soffritti@siemens-logistics.com
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