3D CAD models from Helix Linear Technologies go online with interactive product catalog built by CADENAS

Helix Linear Technologies launched an online product catalog of 3D CAD models for their popular configurable products, including lead screw technologies and PRA actuators. Built by CADENAS, the configurator enables customers to instantly find, configure and download a digital 3D Mehr

Cooperation between eCl@ss and buildingSMART will support BIM and advance digital transformation

In order to track the complex data structure requirements involved with planning large residential or single-purpose buildings through Building Information Modeling, eCl@ss established a BIM taskforce focused specifically on this issue within the construction sector. Leaders in the industry such Mehr

Kooperation von eCl@ss und buildingSMART unterstützt BIM und beschleunigt digitale Transformation

Um die komplexen Anforderungen bei der Planung von großen Wohnbauten sowie Zweckgebäuden in den Datenstrukturen im Building Information Modeling abzubilden, wurde bei eCl@ss eigens eine BIM-Taskforce für die Baubranche etabliert. Führende Unternehmen, wie CADENAS, Hager, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Strabag, Weidmüller Mehr

LIVEsearch supports engineers by suggesting geometrically similar components during the design process

Many animals communicate by the way they look at you. Dogs, for example, can let their masters know that they are hungry with their famous "begging look". Our four-legged friends can often get what they want without words. The intelligent Mehr

LIVEsearch unterstützt Ingenieure mit Vorschlägen geometrisch ähnlicher Komponenten während des Konstruktionsprozesses

Viele Tiere kommunizieren mit ihrem Blick. So können Hunde mit dem bekannten „Bettelblick“ ihrem Herrchen gekonnt mitteilen, dass sie zum Beispiel Hunger haben. Ohne Worte erreichen unsere vierbeinigen Freunde damit oftmals genau das, was sie wollen. Nach einem ähnlichen Prinzip Mehr

Tata Steel launches their pioneering BIM tool the „DNA Profiler“ and product catalog built by CADENAS

Tata Steel launched their pioneering BIM Tool the "DNA Profiler" and product catalog, granting engineers and architects easy access to configurable products and instant BIM CAD downloads, right from Tata Steel’s website. Based on the eCATALOGsolutions technology by CADENAS, the “DNA Profiler” Mehr

PARTcommunity Version 8 sets standards for the 3D CAD download of the future

CADENAS GmbH has published the latest version of the well-known 3D CAD models download portal PARTcommunity. Besides millions of intelligent engineering data of renowned component manufacturers, PARTcommunity Version 8 offers engineers and purchasers many innovations and features, thus making use Mehr

Ready for the green roof planning of the future with ZinCo and CADENAS

To ensure architects and planners a comfortable workflow for their construction projects, ZinCo GmbH now provides 3D BIM CAD models of its systems and products for roof greening in a 3D BIM CAD download portal based on CADENAS technology. At https://zinco.partcommunity.com, Mehr

Mit ZinCo und CADENAS bestens für die Gründach-Planung der Zukunft gerüstet

Hersteller für Dachbegrünungssysteme präsentiert neues BIM Downloadportal powered by CADENAS Um Architekten und Planern einen komfortableren Workflow für ihre Bauprojekte zu ermöglichen, stellt die ZinCo GmbH ab sofort 3D BIM CAD Modelle ihrer Systeme und Produkte zur Dachbegrünung in einem Mehr

Do You Play in the League of Technology Champions?

The path from digital twin, via IIoT to Industry 4.0 Shorter production times, greater pressure to cut costs and meet deadlines, increased variation diversity, reduced batch sizes accompanied by shorter changeover times, procurement optimization, logistics, digital twin in spare parts Mehr