camLine bringt Cornerstone 8.1 auf den Markt, um die Datenanalyse für Anwender zu verbessern

camLine, ein Spezialist für Hightech-Softwarelösungen in der Fertigungsindustrie, bringt mit Cornerstone 8.1 die neueste Version seiner renommierten Desktop-Anwendung für die technische Datenanalyse im industriellen Umfeld auf den Markt. Diese Version enthält viele neue Features und Funktionen, um die Erfahrung in Mehr

camLine Launches the New Cornerstone 8.1 to Improve Users’ Data Analysis Experience

camLine, a high-tech manufacturing software solutions specialist, launches Cornerstone 8.1, the latest version of their renowned desktop application for technical data analysis in the industrial field. This version comes with many new features and functions to enhance your experience in Mehr

camLine erwirbt Softwareanbieter iCADA

camLine, ein Unternehmen von Elisa IndustrIQ und Spezialist für Softwarelösungen in der Hightech-Fertigung, hat seine führende Position als Anbieter von Halbleiterlösungen durch die Übernahme von iCADA, einem in Deutschland ansässigen Softwareunternehmen mit Schwerpunkt auf Halbleiter, weiter ausgebaut. iCADA bietet Lebenszykluslösungen Mehr

camLine Acquires Software Provider iCADA

camLine, an Elisa IndustrIQ company and high-tech manufacturing software solutions specialist, has further strengthened its leading position as a semiconductor solution provider with the acquisition of iCADA, the Germany-based semiconductor-focused software company. iCADA provides durable lifecycle solutions with a focus Mehr

Game-Changer Alert: camLine and theion Reduce R&D Battery Testing Times by 98% Using AI

camLine, an Elisa IndustrlQ company and a leading provider of Manufacturing Execution System (MES), along with theion, a pioneering sulfur crystal battery company, are proud to announce their collaboration to implement AI-driven solutions that will accelerate the development of advanced Mehr

Romaric and Intel Join Forces to Revolutionize Factory Automation

Romaric, a company of camLine Group and part of Elisa IndustrIQ, is excited to announce a transformative partnership with Intel. This collaboration aims to make factory operations smarter and more efficient by integrating Romaric’s robust material handling software with Intel’s Mehr

ROMA MD™ is Now RACE MCS™: Expanding Beyond the Semiconductor Industry

Romaric, a part of the camLine group, is thrilled to announce the rebranding of the Romaric Material Dispatcher (ROMA MD™), the only third-generation Material Control System (MCS) in the semiconductor industry worldwide, to RACE MCS™. This marks a pivotal moment Mehr

camLine and Romaric Join Forces in SEMICON Taiwan 2024

camLine, a valued manufacturing software solutions provider specializing in digital transformation across the process line, is delighted to announce its attendance and participation at SEMICON Taiwan 2024. camLine will be accompanied by Romaric, a leading software provider in material control Mehr

Shaping Industry 5.0: camLine to Host High-Tech Manufacturing Forum

The international camLine forum 2024 event gathers passionate leading industry experts worldwide to share their exhilarating journey towards manufacturing excellence whilst embracing Industry 5.0 in this AI-driven digital era. The biannual manufacturing forum is hosted by leading software solutions for Mehr

Innovation trifft Expertise: Das camLine High-Tech-Produktionsforum zu Industrie 5.0 lädt zum Dialog

Auf dem internationalen camLine forum 2024 versammeln sich weltweit führende Branchenexperten, um ihre neuesten Projekterfahrungen zum Thema Fertigungsexzellenz zu teilen und wie sie in einem von KI getriebenen Umfeld innovative Konzepte zu Industrie 5.0 realisieren. Das alle zwei Jahre stattfindende Mehr