Hamamatsu Photonics has developed a high-sensitivity, high-resolution semiconductor failure analysis system that utilizes visible to near-infrared light, all in just a single unit

Hamamatsu Photonics has developed a new semiconductor failure analysis system called the “PHEMOS-X C15765-01” that in just a single unit utilizes visible to near-infrared light to analyze semiconductor defects. What makes this possible is a newly mounted multi-wavelength laser scanner Mehr

Covid-19: Die realen Anwendungen der Photonik-Ausrüstung

Techniken wie PCR (Polymerase-Kettenreaktion) und medizinische Bildgebung sind im Kampf gegen das Coronavirus von entscheidender Bedeutung und auf die kontinuierliche Lieferung von Komponenten angewiesen. Das neuartige Coronavirus (Sars-Cov-2) breitet sich weiterhin auf der ganzen Welt aus und wirkt auf alles Mehr

Hamamatsu Photonics has expanded its lineup of ionization-assisting substrates now selectable from a total of 9 types according to samples

Hamamatsu Photonics have added 4 new products to our "DIUTHAME (Desorption Ionization Using Through Hole Alumina MEmbrane)" series ionization-assisting substrates, that drastically cut the pretreatment time needed to ionize samples by laser in mass spectrometry. These new products include a Mehr

To further accelerate R&D work for novel coronavirus (COVID-19) test reagents, Hamamatsu Photonics has developed a new fluorescence immunochromato reader with both high sensitivity and high reproducibility

Here at Hamamatsu Photonics we have developed a new “Immunochromato Reader C10066-60” that gives precise readouts of fluorescence in immunochromatographic reagents. Its measurement sensitivity has been boosted more than 10 times higher than currently available products by applying our own Mehr

Hamamatsu Photonics has developed a high performance MCP with low noise and high gain that contains no hazardous substances listed in the RoHS directive

By reviewing all materials starting from scratch and applying an ALD* (atomic layer deposition) technique, we succeeded in creating ALD-MCPs (microchannel plates) that ensure low noise and high signal multiplication (gain) without using materials containing lead. Eliminating lead is great Mehr

Hamamatsu Photonics announces the completion of a new factory building at the Shingai factory site

Hamamatsu Photonics has been constructing a new factory building at the Shingai Factory (Shingai-cho, Minami-ku, Hamamatsu City, Japan) to cope with increasing sales demand for opto-semiconductors, X-ray image sensors and X-ray flat panel sensors. This new factory will start operations Mehr

Hamamatsu Photonics announces the completion of a new Building No. 5 at the Toyooka factory site

Hamamatsu Photonics has been constructing a new Building No. 5 at the Toyooka Factory site (Shimokanzo, Iwata City, Japan), and now announces the completion of the new building. This new building will start operations in September this year to boost Mehr

Stay Healthy with Touchless Technology – Introducing new 3D time-of-flight image sensors

Touchless operation of machinery for hygiene management, measurement tools for ensuring social distance and labour-saving autonomous robots are becoming more common in everyday life. Today, distance sensors are playing an increasingly important role as a key enabling component in the Mehr

Interferometry in the palm of your hand

Infrared spectroscopy is a versatile tool for numerous tasks such as; process analysis, sorting, healthcare and food inspection. Since infrared light penetrates into materials, the composition of the material itself is observed instead of measuring only the surface. This is Mehr

Räumlicher Lichtmodulator (SLM) mit weltweit höchster Pulslaserleistung von bis zu 400 GW/cm2

Hamamatsu Photonics ist es gelungen, einen Flüssigkristall-Raumlichtmodulator (SLM) mit der weltweit höchsten Pulslaserleistung von bis zu 400 GW/cm2 zu entwickeln, indem hochentwickelte Dünnschicht- und Schaltungsdesigntechnologien eingesetzt wurden. Dieser neue SLM für industrielle Hochleistungs-Impulslasersysteme kann dazu beitragen, einen hohen Durchsatz und Mehr