Nomad Bioscience receives grants from Investment Bank Saxony-Anhalt for research on use of griffithsin and other plant lectins for prevention and therapy of SARS-CoV-2 infections

Nomad Bioscience GmbH was awarded two significant grants from Investment Bank Saxony-Anhalt (Investitionsbank Sachsen-Anhalt) for development of griffithsin and other plant-derived lectins as preventative therapies against coronaviruses. Lectins are sugar-binding proteins some of which effectively prevent attachment of enveloped viruses Mehr

NOMAD Bioscience Published Milestone Paper in Nature Plants Describing its RNA-Based Rapid Transient Reprogramming of Crop Plants for Agronomic Performance

NOMAD Bioscience announces the publication in Nature Plants (Torti et al. (2021) Nature Plants 7; a research paper describing NOMAD’s novel transient RNA replicon-based process of controlling agronomic performance of crop plants. The process does not involve genetic modification Mehr

NOMAD Bioscience Receives Its GRAS Regulatory Clearance In USA For Plant-Made Natural Thaumatin II As Flavour Modifier

NOMAD Bioscience GmbH received a formal ‘no questions’ letter from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in response to NOMAD’s GRAS notice GRN 920 describing use of plant-produced Thaumatin II as flavour modifier. Thaumatin II is natural non-caloric high Mehr

NOMAD BIOSCIENCE Enters Into Agreement with CTAEX, Spain, To Conduct Its First Field Trials With Plants Producing Non-Caloric Sweetener Thaumatin II in Extremadura, Spain

NOMAD BIOSCIENCE GmbH, Munich, Germany (“NOMAD”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a research and development agreement with CENTRO TECNOLOGICO NACIONAL AGROALIMENTARIO EXTREMADURA (“CTAEX”), Badajoz, Spain. In accordance with the Agreement, CTAEX is expected to conduct in Mehr

NOMADS UAB, Lithuania, Receives a Research Grant from Lithuanian Business Support Agency LVPA

NOMADS UAB, Vilnius, Lithuania (“NOMADS”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Nomad Bioscience GmbH, Munich, Germany, is pleased to announce that the Company has been awarded a research grant from LVPA (Lietuvos Verslo Paramos Agentūra, Lithuanian Business Support Agency) to extend Mehr

NOMAD Bioscience Receives Its GRAS Regulatory Clearance In USA For Plant-Made Natural Thaumatin II As Sweetener

NOMAD Bioscience received a formal ‘no questions’ letter from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in response to NOMAD’s GRAS notice GRN 910 describing use of plant-produced Thaumatin II as sweetener. Thaumatin II is natural noncaloric high intensity sweetener Mehr

Nomad Bioscience and Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology Enter into a Research and Development Agreement

Nomad Bioscience GmbH (“NOMAD”) is pleased to announce that the Company has entered into a broad research and development agreement with the Department of Drug Design and Target Validation of the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (Fraunhofer IZI), headquartered in Mehr