Amazon-Anzeigen kosten 68 Prozent weniger als Google Ads und 44 Prozent weniger als Facebook Ads, zeigt eine Studie von Sellics

Zudem zeigt Sellics‘ tiefgreifender E-Commerce Advertising Benchmark Report 2022, dass Amazons Marktplätze seit Beginn der Pandemie boomen – und dass sich dieser Trend 2021 weiter fortsetzen konnte. Die Werbeumsätze von Marktplatzverkäufern mit Sponsored-Products-Kampagnen verzeichneten 2021 ein Wachstum von 16 Prozent Mehr

Amazon Ads Cost 68 Percent Less Than Google Ads and 44 Percent Less Than Facebook Ads, Sellics Study Reveals

Sellics’ comprehensive 2022 eCommerce Advertising Benchmark Report reveals that Amazon’s US marketplace has been booming since the start of the pandemic, and continued to do so in 2021, with seller ad revenue from Sponsored Products campaigns growing by 23 percent Mehr

Sellics wird Teil von Ascential und fusioniert mit deren Tochterunternehmen Perpetua

Der Amazon-Advertising-Spezialist Sellics ist von der in London ansässigen Ascential plc übernommen worden und wird sich im Zuge der Akquisition mit der Ascential-Tochter Perpetua zusammenschließen. Ziel ist es, das Wachstum von E-Commerce-Marken und -Agenturen weiter voranzubringen. Sellics, einer der führenden Mehr

Quantum Leap in Advertising: Sellics Expands Benchmark Tool for Advertising Campaigns on Amazon to 20,000 Product Categories

Sellics, one of the leading providers of advertising software solutions for brands and agencies on Amazon, has launched a comprehensive update of the "Sellics Benchmarker": Now the comparison tool delivers even more precise benchmarks and insights thanks to, among other Mehr

Unique Insights for Advertising on Amazon With New Tool “Sellics Benchmarker” – Free Early Access Registration Started

Sellics, leading advertising software solution for brands and agencies on Amazon, has developed the "Sellics Benchmarker", a unique tool that allows advertisers on Amazon to compare their advertising performances with their competition. A data pool, consisting of 29 product categories, Mehr

New Customized Report by Sellics Boosts Performance in PPC Campaigns

Sellics, Amazon’s largest advertising partner and leading software solution for brands and agencies, is expanding its portfolio to include a fully automated tool for customized analysis of PPC (Pay per Click) campaigns on Amazon. What’s new? Users receive a precise Mehr

COVID-19 Crisis: Online Sellers Expect Severe Impact but a Long-Term Advantage for Ecommerce

Three month into the Coronavirus crisis, the current situation has major effects on businesses and consumers. Although many online sellers face severe challenges in the current situation, they are optimistic that ecommerce will leave the crisis as a winner. The Mehr

eCommerce growth software Sellics expands leadership team

Amazon’s largest advertising partner and leading software solution for brands and agencies, Sellics, has hired Google advertising veteran Thomas Ropel as Chief Marketing Officer and SaaS architect David Iankelevich as General Manager North America, Sellics announced today. Sellics manages billions Mehr