PFAS in Säften?

PFAS steht für „per- und polyfluorierte Alkylsubstanzen“. Gemeint ist damit eine große Gruppe von Substanzen, die, je nach Schätzung, ca. 5.000 bis 10.000 Substanzen beinhaltet. Diese Substanzen kommen nicht natürlich vor, sondern sind anthropogenen Ursprungs. „Aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaften, wie z.B. Mehr

Symbiotic Research: Determination of Nitrosamine Impurities as Chemical Contaminants in GMP Drug Product-Metformin

International Trade Center, Mount Olive, New Jersey–SYMBIOTIC RESEARCH, LLC (SRL), a Tentamus Company, announces a multi-residue screening and quantitative UPLC-APCI-HRMS method developed for several targeted Nitrosamine impurities as chemical cross-contaminants in manufactured drug product Metformin. The HRMS component utilizes Time Mehr

Wechsel in der Geschäftsführung beim BAV Institut GmbH

Seit dem 01.01.2023 wurde die Geschäftsführung beim BAV INSTITUT neu aufgestellt und an bewährte, langjährige Mitarbeiter:innen übertragen. Als Paul und Iris Andrei das Unternehmen 1997 gegründet haben, hatten sie keine umfangreichen Business-Pläne, aber gute Ideen und eine Vision. Sie wollten Mehr

Analyst Reports Successful GMP FDA Audit with No 483s

The FDA informed Analyst Research Laboratories, that following an inspection performed at Analyst, it has determined that the company is in compliance with regards to current good manufacturing practice (CGMP). During November, 2022, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Mehr

Environmental labeling of packaging: approaching the final deadline

Starting from 01/01/2023 new packaging produced in Italy shall be compliant with the Decree No. 116 of 3 September 2020, which is the Implementation of Directive (EU) 2018/851 on waste and Directive (EU) 2018/852 on packaging and packaging waste. The Mehr

Tentamus Green Line – ein grüner Service der Tentamus Group

Die Tentamus Group, ein globales Netzwerk von hochspezialisierten Laboren im Life-Science Bereich, hat mit Tentamus Green Line – Sustainable Services & Solutions ihre bestehenden Services weiterentwickelt – hin zu einem nachhaltigen Geschäftsbereich. Tentamus Green Line hat das Ziel Produktsicherheit und Mehr

Tentamus Green Line – A green service line of the Tentamus Group

The Tentamus Group, a global network of highly specialized laboratories in the life science sector, has further developed its existing services with Tentamus Green Line – Sustainable Services & Solutions – towards a sustainable business unit. Tentamus Green Line aims Mehr

Tentamus Group forms strategic alliance with Warrantek

Tentamus Group and Warrantek are delighted to officially announce their strategic partnership and alliance. Effective immediately, the two companies will work closely together to promote joint development in Southeast Asia. Warrantek is a recognized service provider in the field of Mehr

One Broth One Plate Salmonella Method – Addition to UKAS Testing Schedule

Southern Microbiological Services (SMS Ltd.) has been offering UKAS accredited microbiological testing services to the food and drinks industries since it was established in 1989. Located near Wellington, Somerset, in the UK, SMS Labs is excited to announce the addition Mehr

ISEMED and Arazy Group sign agreement for advanced regulatory affair technology

Global market access is now available to the Italian Medtech and IVD industry using advanced regulatory affair technology and management platforms. ISEMED (Imola, Italy) had signed a representation agreement with Arazy Group Consultant (Vancouver, BC, Canada) to become the Italian Mehr