Neues Mitglied der Tentamus Group: ifm ulm gmbh

Die ifm ulm gmbh hat sich der Tentamus Group angeschlossen. Das gaben der Geschäftsführer der ifm ulm gmbh, Dr. Rolf Bäuerle, der Geschäftsführer des BAV Instituts, Paul Andrei und der Geschäftsführer der CEO Tentamus Group GmbH, Dr. Jochen P. Zoller, Mehr

Tentacontrol GmbH – Neue Website stellt Kundenbedürfnisse besser in den Fokus

„Gerne möchten wir Ihnen unsere neue Website vorstellen. Die Tentacontrol Website haben wir von Grund auf neu gestaltet und getextet, sodass jeder Besucher noch übersichtlicher erfährt, was wir mit unserem breiten Dienstleistungsportfolio anbieten können.“, freut sich Christoph von Bismarck, Geschäftsführer Mehr

New Method: Analysis of amino acids in feed and food via LC-LRMS/MS

For a healthy diet and the functionality of biological processes, humans and animals need amino acids. Laboratories often face the problem of challenging analysis when determining the correct content of amino acids in food and feed. Amino acids (AA) are Mehr

Lambda Científica: New member of the Tentamus Group

Lambda Científica, a leading analytical laboratory in the pharmaceutical sector in Mexico with a history of more than 48 years in the industry, enters into a significant alliance with Tentamus Group. Lambda is an independently owned laboratory providing microbiological and Mehr

Investigational New Drug Approval of Potential COVID-19 Medication by FDA

Highland Park, NJ—Global Coronaviruses (Covid-19) deadly infection has urged the world’s pharmaceutical scientists and global health professionals to accelerate the Covid-19 treatment and vaccine development. EuTech Scientific Services, Inc.’s (EuTech) experienced team has worked hand-in-hand with IHP Therapeutics (IHP) to Mehr

Labocor Analítica presents its new website

Labocor Analítica presents its new corporate online space, where it informs about all its analytical services and the different sectors it covers: Animal Nutrition, Human Food, Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Industry, and Environment. Labocor Analítica has more than 25 years of Mehr

Expansion of Services – Tentamus Japan Laboratories

Tentamus Japan has been certified for immuno-diagnostic testing laboratory services for human health. The certification allows for samples from patients to be tested for an array of test items related to diagnostic for human health. One of the tests with Mehr

L.A.B. tunes an analysis method for ethylene oxide in foodstuff

L.A.B. | Laboratorio Analítico Bioclínico, fulfilling its commitment to its clients to improve analytical services, and as a result of the alerts and recalls of food products due to the presence of ethylene oxide, has developed and validated the method Mehr