Geschäftsführungswechsel bei Quant Qualitätssicherung aus Fulda

Armin Wolf übernimmt ab 1. Februar 2019 die operative Leitung der Quant Qualitätssicherung GmbH. Er folgt damit Florian-Fritz Preuß, der sich nach 11 Jahren neuen beruflichen Herausforderungen widmet. Armin Wolf wird die Stellung der Quant Qualitätssicherung, als der führende Dienstleister Mehr

For another year Laboratorio Tello received the recognition of the I.O.C.

It is a great pleasure for us to inform you again this year that since 2012 Laboratorio Tellohas been continuously recognised by the International Olive Oil Council (I.O.C.) as a laboratory for physio-chemical analysis in the two most important categories Mehr

Medical Cannabis Products: How Much Really Gets There?

More and more companies and entrepreneurs operating in the field of Cannabis realize that while the market for ‘flowers’ and ‘extracts’ is significant (and likely to grow), the true ‘holy grail’ lies in the area of cannabis-based therapies. Among the Mehr

LAB extends its ENAC accreditation

Being aware of the importance for our clients to work with a trusted partner, offering a wide range of services, we are happy to announce that LABextends its ENAC accreditation for the analysis of pesticides (UPLC-ms/MS in olive oil) and the analysis of metals (ICP-ms in vegetable Mehr

Analysis of non-dioxin-like PCBs in food & feed by isotope dilution GC/MS

The laboratory of Tentamus Agriparadigma, based in Ravenna (Italy) is more than 10 years active in the analysis of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs, in the field of food and feed safety control according to Mehr

Die neue EU-Öko-Verordnung

Ab dem 1. Juli 2021 tritt die neue EU-Gesetzgebung zu ökologischen Lebensmitteln in Kraft (Verordnung (EU) 2018/848). Damit werden sich die Rahmenbedingungen für die Vermarktung von Bioprodukten entlang der gesamten Verarbeitungskette von Bioprodukten verändern. Inhalte der neuen Verordnung EU 2018/848: Mehr

New EU Eco-Regulation

From July 1st, 2021, the new EU legislation on organic foods will come into force (Regulation (EU) 2018/848). This will change the framework conditions for the marketing of organic products throughout the entire chain of processing organic food. Contents of Mehr

XV Anniversary Celebration of LAB | Bioclinical Analytical Laboratory

This year we celebrated the 15th anniversary of LAB | Bioclinical Analytical Laboratoryfrom Spain. The know-how, experience and professionalism of each individual employee made this possible. The project continues growing. On the occasion of the anniversary, a gala dinner was Mehr

Southern Microbiological Services Ltd based in Somerset- England, joins the Tentamus global network of laboratories

The Tentamus Group today welcomes its newest member: Southern Microbiological Services Ltd. (SMS). Specialized in the group’s key competencies of food safety services, the acquisition of SMS further expands Tentamus’ national reach. Abgar Barseyten, CEO of Tentamus Group, says, “Our Mehr

Rückverfolgbarkeit ist kein alter Hut!

Die Anforderungen zur Rückverfolgbarkeit kennt jeder. Ist das nicht ein alter Hut oder eben doch mehr als aktuell, da immer wieder neue Anforderungen und neue technische Möglichkeiten auftauchen? Auch Lieferketten werden immer komplexer! Dieser Frage gingen fast 140 Teilnehmer des Mehr