The New VITROCELL® RH/T-Controller

The VITROCELL® RH/T-Controller system was designed to measure temperature and relative humidity in numerous applications at high precision. It can be fitted to humidification systems, aerosol ducts and climatic chambers. In cell exposure, relative humidity is a key factor for Mehr

VITROCELL® Cloud Alpha Family

The VITROCELL® Cloud α series for automated exposure of cell cultures has been enlarged and now comprises the Cloud Alpha 6, Cloud Alpha 12, Cloud Alpha 96 and Cloud Alpha MAX. They represent an optimal solution for everyday cell exposure experiments Mehr

VITROCELL® 12/12 now available with Climatic Chamber

The VITROCELL® 12/12 module system has been designed to facilitate the exposure of mammalian cell cultures to airborne substances such as gases, complex mixtures, nanoparticles and fibers. It features a throughput of 3 dilution steps @ 3 replicates and 1 clean Mehr

New Video: VITROCELL® Cloud α – for Aerosol Research and Cell Exposure at the Air/Liquid Interface (ALI)

The VITROCELL® Cloud Alpha series is our newest innovation and presents a great leap forward in automated exposure of cell cultures. It combines reliable exposure of cell cultures from the respiratory tract with ease of use. This series is our Mehr

VITROCELL® Shisha Testing System for Cell Cultures

. Background Emissions of water pipe tobacco can now be tested by in vitro exposure in a reliable and user-­friendly setup. The novel Shisha Testing Device can be combined with any VITROCELL® Exposure System. The same setup can also be Mehr

VITROCELL® Cloud Alpha 96

The VITROCELL® Cloud Alpha 96 is our newest innovation and presents a great leap forward in automated exposure of cell cultures. It combines high throughput testing with ease of use. The development is based on the well-known and frequently published Mehr

VITROCELL® holder systems for e-cigarettes

New designs of electronic cigarettes such as ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems) products or HTP (Heated Tobacco Products) lead to a large variety of different shapes which make the insertion into conventional holders with labyrinth seals impossible. VITROCELL® has developed a Mehr

VITROCELL® TEM Grid holders for dose determination of airborne particles during in vitro Exposure at the air / liquid interface

. Background The assessment of toxicological effects of airborne particles to the human organism is of major importance in disease research. The presence of nano and ultrafine particles can be found both in indoor and outdoor atmospheres which include workplaces Mehr

Screening antiviraler pharmazeutischer Leitwirkstoffe gegen das Coronavirus (COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2)

In der Inhalationstherapie werden pharmazeutische Präparate als Aerosole auf Zellen des Atemtraktes im Nasen- oder Lungenbereich appliziert. Zur präklinischen Entwicklung neuer Arzneimittel werden dafür oft kommerziell erhältliche, physiologisch relevante in vitro Zellkulturmodelle des Nasen-, Rachen- oder Lungenepithels verwendet. In jüngster Mehr

Screening of antiviral lead compounds against coronavirus (COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2)

In inhalation therapy, drugs are deposited as aerosols on cells of the respiratory tract from the nasal or lung region. For preclinical drug development, physiologically realistic in vitro cell culture models of the pulmonary epithelium and the air-blood barrier as Mehr