Leichter leben mit Ständer

Der Hauptständer am Motorrad ist eine durchaus hilfreiche Option. Ob Wartung der Kette, Beladen der Maschine oder einfach nur das reifenschonende und platzsparende Parken in der heimischen Garage – der Hauptständer macht das Leben ein Stückchen leichter. Zubehörspezialist Wunderlich schneidert Mehr

Protect your hands

Wunderlich, the No. 1 worldwide for high quality BMW motorcycle accessories, offers significantly more in terms of protection from moisture and the cold with its new hand protector extender. The black, solid-dyed protection made from highly durable, scratch and breakageresistant Mehr

Wunderlich – Wunderlich – what does „Anständige Komponenten für Ihre BMW.“* actually mean?

Once again, in July 2018, Wunderlich successfully achieved recertification of its quality management system in line with the new DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 standard and obtained proof that it meets the particularly discerning additional requirements of the German Federal Motor Mehr

A cornerstone-laying ceremony – the Wunderlich way

More than 120 guests from the worlds of politics, industry and associations, press representatives and, last but not least, the new neighbours, were all present at the event at the invitation of Wunderlich GmbH’s two managing directors, Erich Wunderlich and Mehr